Online Membership Applications for Summer 2025 are now available!

1. Pay with VENMO (@NESC1960)
2. Pay with check or money order:
Just fill out the membership application online
and send your payment to address below.
Made check/money order payable to
"North End Swim Club."
Send to:
North End Swim Club
Membership Chairperson
P.O. Box 384
Pottstown PA, 19464
Membership Applications are online!
All memberships will be processed through the online application linked below.
Summer 2025 Online Membership Application:
Payment Options
Payment is due at time of application. If you are paying by Venmo or mailing a check, please due so immediately. If you would like to submit your check or pay in cash, please contact Candice Hillegas to arrange a drop-off. Your application will not be approved until fees are received.
3. Cash payments with Receipt:
Please contact Candice, NESC Board of Directors President, via Email or phone to make arrangements. Candicehillegas@gmail.com
3. Monthly Installments:
You can also pay in monthly installments (BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS)!! Please see membership application for more details.
If you have any membership questions, please contact the pool board at northendswimclub901@gmail.com
Pool Highlights
Important Information
Pool Hours
Saturday, May 24th
(Opening Day)
Sunday, May 25th
Monday, 27th
(Memorial Day)
12noon - 8pm
Tuesday, May 27th thru Friday, May 30th
4pm- 8pm
Limited hours due to school still being in session. Local schools may be using the pool during the day time hours.
Starting June 2nd
(Official Hours)
Monday - Saturday - 11am-8pm
Sunday - 12pm-8pm
Advertising Banner
Are you a business owner looking for an inexpensive way to advertise? Here is your opportunity. Advertise with a banner at North End Swim Club.
Banner Order Form
Current Fundraisers
We will be having a 50/50 using a raffle notebook, pay a buck and sign your name. Each name is assigned a number which will be randomly chosen at the end of the season. Half of the proceeds go to the winner, the other to the pool! Listen for the lifeguard announcements to purchase your spot!
Mikes Brick Oven Hoagie/Pizza Coupons
$8.00 Each These coupons have NO EXPIRATION DATE!
Each coupon is good for one hoagie of choice or a pizza. NE receives $3.50 for every ticket sold. We have asked members to each take (5) tickets.
Reach out to Candice Hillegas to purchase
North End Car Magnets
Magnets are available for $5.
If you want make a donation you can send a check to North End Swim Club
PO Box 384, Pottstown, PA 19464.
You can also send money via Venmo @NESC1960.

Pool amenities:
Diving board
Baby Pool
- Swim Club Amenities:
- Snack Bar
- Full sand volleyball court
Basketball court
Locker rooms with showers & changing stalls.

Follow us on Facebook
To Join the BAND App:
Go into Apps on your phone
Search for BAND
Install it.
Search for “North End Swim Club”
Clarification of our Guest Policy!
NESC always welcomes guests.
A few things to remember if you are bringing a guest(s).
1. Adult Member Must sign in guests. Children on Membership are not permitted to sign guests in.
2. Adult Member Must remain present during a guest visit. At No Time can an Adult Sign In A Guest and Leave! No Exceptions!
3. You the Adult Member are responsible for your guests while they are visiting. Please make sure your guests understand the rules of the swim club. General Pool Rules can be found on the sign between the Snackbar and Office.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Established in 1960, recent renovations to the pool and grounds along with certified, full-time lifeguards makes North End Swimming Club home to summer fun for local families for many years.
P.O. Box 384
901 North Adams Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
Tele: 484-624-1001
North End Swimming Club Mission Statement
The North End Swim Club is a nonprofit - membership driven Swim Club, within the Borough of Pottstown. North End's Mission is defined by the importance of revitalization, health and community, acknowledging the vast diversity that resides within our neighborhoods. Through a variety of activities geared towards healthy living and partnering with local Schools, Parks and Rec, Boys and Girls Clubs and local camps, our Club serves as a source of healthy recreation. We take great pride in serving the community and providing a safe place for all families to spend their summer days and make lasting memories.